- Bowen, M. Hinchey. H. Janicke, M. Ward and H. Zedan, Formality, Agility, Security and Evolution in Software Development, IEEE Computing, Vol 47 (10), pp. 86-89, (IEEE, Oct. 2014).
- Zedan Crime Profiling System. In “Threat Detection and Countermeasures in Network Security”, A. H. Al-Hamami and G. W. Al-Sadoon (Eds.), (IGI Global, Dec. 2014).
- Aswad, A.H. Al-Bayatti, S. Al-Sultan and H. Zedan, Context Aware Pre-crash System for Vehicle Ad hoc Networks using Dynamic Bayesian Model Accepted in Journal of Accident Analysis and Prevention.
- ALHIMALE AND H. ZEDAN The Implementation of an Intelligent and Video-based Fall Detection System using a Neural Network Journal of Applied Soft Computing, (2014).
- H. Al-Hamami and G. M. W. Al-Saadoon, Threat Detection and Countermeasures in Network Security, Publisher: IGI Global ,
- Ghossoon M. Waleed, Alaa Hussein Al-Hamami, Security Concepts, Developments and Future Trends. Threat Detection and Countermeasures in Network Security, 2nd edited by Alaa Hussein Al-Hamami & Ghossoon M. Waleed, , (IGI Global,10/2014).
- M. Waleed: Automatic Intrusion Detection and Secret Multi Agent Preservation Using Authentication Measurement Network Threat. Threat Detection and Countermeasures in Network Security, 2nd edited by , Alaa Hussein Al-Hamami & Ghossoon M. Waleed, (IGI Global,10/2014).
- Ghossoon M. Waleed, Ebrahim Al Naemi: Virtualization Technology and Security Challenges. Threat Detection and Countermeasures in Network Security, 2nd edited by Alaa Hussein Al-Hamami & Ghossoon M. Waleed, (IGI Global,10/2014
- Al-Juboori, Nihad and AlSultan, Saif, “Context Aware Air Traffic Management System” , International Conference on Analytical Driven Solutions, PP 1-11, University of Ottawa, Canada(2014).
- Saif Al-Sultan, Moath M. Al-Doori, Ali H. Al-Bayatti and H. Zedan. “A Comprehensive Survey on Vehicular Ad Hoc Network”. Elsevier – Journal of Networking and Computer Applications. Pages 380-392, Volume 37, 2014.
- Mussab Aswad and Saif Al-Sultan and Hussein Zedan. “Context Aware Accidents Prediction and Prevention system for VANET”. ACM – 3rd International Conference on Context-aware Systems and Applications. October, 2014, Dubai, UAE.
- Udai Ali Al-Juboori, Faris Ali Mustafa , Assessing the Efficiency of Functional Performance of Shopping Malls in the Kingdom of Bahrain , International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies, Volume 5, No.3,,P. 143 -165, 2014.
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- Al-manaseer and B. Al-Matarneh, Waqf and its Role in the Social and Economic Development of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences, Issue 64 (March 2014).
- Al-manaseer, Sh. Al-Mahamed and B. Al-Matarne, Islamic Finance as an Alternative for Supplementary loans in Commercial Banks (A Descriptive and Analytical Study of Alternatives), Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance. Vol. 2, Issue 1, (2014).
- Al-Manaseer and B. Al-Matarneh, The Impact of Financial Crisis in Islamic Banks in Kingdom of Bahrain in 2007-2011, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Issue 122, (May,2014).
- Bashar Matarneh , Mosa Manaseer, “The Impact of Financial Crisis in Islamic Banks in Kingdom of Bahrain in 2007-2011” , International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Issue 1, 22 May, 2014.
- Saad Z. Darwish, Risk and Knowledge in the context of Organizational Risk Management – European Journal of Business and Management – ISSN (Paper) 2222-1905, ISSN (Online) 2015.
- Saad Z. Darwish, Strategies to shape the future of Islamic Financial Risk Management and Takaful Insurance – Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance, Vo. 3, No. 1, pp. 01-13, June 2015.
- Saad Z. Darwish, Education and Human Capital Development in Bahrain: “Future International Collaboration with Malaysia” – International Journal of Academic Research in Management (IJARM), Vol. 3, No. 4, 2014.
- Attiea and Y. Al Tayeb (2015) “Innovative Service Delivery in Public Sector: An Empirical Assessment in Bahraini Public Organizations” European Journal of Business and Management. Vol. 7, No 8. (P. 98-108).
- Abdeldayem Marwan M. (2015) “The Impact of Investors’ Perception of Risk on Portfolio Management: Evidence from the Kingdom of Bahrain”. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, ISSN: 2222-1697, Vol. (6), No. (12), PP 61-79
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- Abdeldayem Marwan M. (2015) “An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between New Investors and Telecommunications Stocks’ Bubble Post the Egyptian Revolution”. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, ISSN: 2222-1697, Vol. (6), No. (2), PP.178-195
- Atteia and Y. Al Tayeb (2015) “Innovative Service Delivery in Public Sector: An Empirical Assessment in Bahraini Public Organizations”, European Journal of Business and Management. Vol. 7, No 8. (P. 98-108).
- Bahlool and Mohamed Atteia (2015) “Organizational Citizenship Behaviors and their impact on Job Performance, Exploratory Study on High Governmental Schools Teachers in Kingdom of Bahrain” , International Journal of Human Resource Management and Research, Vol. 5, No 4. (P. 43-50).
- Mattar and Mohamed Atteia (2015) “Impact of Administrative Empowerment on Organizational Commitment (Field Study in Secondary Schools in Kingdom of Bahrain”, European Journal of Business and Management. Vol. 7, No 20 (P. 87-91).
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- Al-Qatanani, Khaled. & Hezabr ,Abdulqawi, THE EFFECT OF USING ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEMS TO IMPROVE THE VALUE CHAIN IN BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS – EMPIRICAL STUDY, European Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance Research Vol.3, No.6, pp.1-11, June 2015) (www.eajournals.orgPublished by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK , ISSN 2053-4086(Print) ISSN 2053-4094(Online)
- Al-Qatanani, Khaled. & Hezabr ,Abdulqawi, TO WHAT EXTENT THE AUDITORS IN THE KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN RECOGNIZE AUDITING STRATEGIES IN THE LIGHT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND WHAT IS ITS IMPACT ON THE AUDIT? A FIELD STUDY International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management United Kingdom Vol. III, Issue 5, May 2015 Licensed under Creative Common Page 698,
- Al-Qatanani, Khaled Al- Manaseer, Mousa The Extent to which the Media Content in Relevant to the Financial Analysis, Performance Evaluation and Future Trends Planning: An Analytical Study on the Pharmaceutical and Medicine Manufacturing Companies in Jordan, Third International Conference for Business Administration, College Mu’tah University 2015.
- Hussein Zedan, Handbook of Research on Threat Detection and Countermeasures in Network Security, IGI Global Disseminator of Knowledge, 2015.
- ” القضاء الدستوري البحريني بين الرقابة السابقة واللاحقة – دراسة مقارنة” –مجلة دراسات دستورية ،المجلد الأول من العدد الثاني، ربيع الأول 1435م ، يناير 2014م.
- لمنفعة العامة كشروط لمشروعية الاستملاك في التشريع البحريني – دراسة مقارنة، مجلة دراسات دستورية المجلد الثاني – العدد الخامس 2015
- منازعات العقد الإداري بين القضاء الكامل وقضاء الإلغاء – دراسة مقارنة، مجلة القانونية – هيئة التشريع والإفتاء القانوني – العدد الثالث 2015.
- المصلحة المرسلة واثرها في التعلم الطبي ووسائله، مجلة كلية الشريعة والقانون – جامعة الازهر، المجلد الاول الجزء الاول عدد رقم 164، اغسطس 2015.
- مفهوم قاعدة سد الذرائع وتطبيقاتها على بعض العمليات التجميلية المعاصرة، مجلة كلية الشريعة والقانون – جامعة الازهر، المجلد الاول الجزء الثاني عدد رقم 163، مايو 2015.
- المخدرات معول هدم في المجتمع مفهومها وحكمها، مجلة الاديان – بيت الحكمة العراقي، المجلد الاول الجزء االثاني رقم العدد 17، يونيو 2015.
- المسؤولية المدنية المترتبة على افشاء المؤمن لأسرار المؤمن عليه – مجلة القانونية، هيئة التشريع والإفتاء القانوني، مملكة البحرين، العدد الأول، السنة الأولى، ربيع الأول 1435هـ – يناير 2014م، ص107-129.
- رد المحكم وإنهاء مهمته – دراسة مقارنة، بحث مقبول للنشر في مجلة كلية الحقوق – جامعة الإسكندرية العدد 67،الجزء الخامس –المجلد الثاني،2014
- حازم الشوابكة و مهند صانوري، الإعتراف بحكم التحكيم الأجنبي وشروط تنفيذه في القانون الأردني، مجلة الجامعة الخليجية، المجلد رقم (6)، العدد (2)، السنة 2015.
- أمجد علي النقرش، نطاق حرية القاضي الجنائي في تكوين قناعته الوجدانية، مجلة الجامعة الخليجية، المجلد رقم (6)، العدد (2)، السنة 2015.