Research Centre for Interdisciplinary and Futuristic Studies is an academic unit that is dedicated to conduct research and disseminate its output to public sector.
Inspired by the national strategy for research initiated by the Higher Education Council and Bahrain Economic Vision 2030 that aim to shift from an economy built on oil wealth to a productive, globally competitive economy, and aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 to achieving a better and sustainable future globally, such as the challenges of poverty, welfare, health, education, equality, climate, innovation, peace and partnership are intrinsically related to the work of universities as they provide society with research knowledge and skills capable of achieving those goals, the research center aims to invest in scientific research and increase the number of participants in regional/international research networks to boost the number of publication in diverse research areas.
The idea behind establishing the research center is to enable interaction between faculty, scholars, students, and industry to enhance research opportunities, academic excellence, real-world problem solving. Research center provides a mechanism for departments and colleges to respond to externally fundable research opportunities in a timely fashion,. The center will be in line with the ASU research strategic objectives in supporting the staff to produce interdisciplinary high quality research output joint with non-ASU members that will enhanced the university international reputation. The desire to foster greater interdisciplinary, coupled with the overall increase in ASU’s research activities.