I would like to welcome you to the pages of the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Centre of the University.
The Centre is the focal point for the dissemination of information, staff development (quality related matters) and external/internal quality review preparations and activities all designed to support a cycle of continuous quality enhancement across all areas of academic and non-academic life of the institution.
In order to achieve the above, the Centre applies a Quality Management System (QMS) that is designed to support the University in its desire to become an institution ever mindful of incorporating quality into its daily operations with the underlying principle of continuous quality improvement across all areas of university provision including: teaching and learning, assessment and feedback, research, community engagement and university support services.
The QMS of the University is in turn incorporated into the university-wide Quality Assurance Manual. This document specifies how ASU intends embedding its quality philosophy and in so doing meeting its stakeholder requirements (both internal and external) for the achievement of required standards of provision across all areas of the university. Additionally, the QA Manual sets out the processes and procedures for internal monitoring through quality reviews and audits including the review and development of University policy.
For a more detailed review of the work of the Centre please feel free to browse through our pages where you will find supporting documentation.
Prof. Hilal Al-Bayatti
Director of the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Centre (QAAC)