
Orientation meeting for graduate students at the College of Law

This event has expired

The College of Law, in cooperation with the Deanship of Scientific Research and Graduate Studies, held an orientation meeting for graduate students at the College of Law on Thursday, 03/07/2024, in the presence of His Excellency the Acting Dean of Scientific Research and Graduate Studies, Dr. Saeed Al-Dulaimi, His Excellency the Director of Graduate Studies, Dr. Ali Musaedah, and His Excellency, Dr. Ayman. Al-Hamouri, assistant professor of constitutional law, and a large group of graduate students at the College of Law. His Excellency Dr. Saeed Al-Dulaimi explained all the details of the ethics of scientific research, as well as an explanation of the most important items of the guide for preparing university theses published on the deanship’s website, the time line for completing the thesis, and others.

Among the important topics in this regard, Dr. Ali Masaada then talked about the procedures for registering the research proposal, the proposed title, appointing the supervisor, and the procedures for discussion and post-discussion. Then, Dr. Ayman Al-Hamouri talked about the methodology of scientific research, starting with choosing the title, formulating the research problem, and its importance and goals. The study and how to divide the study, as well as how to properly draft the legal documents and document the references in the correct way, arriving at the conclusion and recommendations and how to address them.

At the end of the meeting, a wide discussion took place between those in charge of this meeting and the students, where all questions submitted by the students were answered in an interactive atmosphere characterized by realism and the provision of everything that is useful. For students. The meeting concluded with the hope of holding many periodic meetings in the near future for the good and interest of our students.

Start Time

12:00 am

March 7, 2024

Finish Time

12:00 am

May 31, 2024