The Library of Applied Science University was established along with the inauguration of the University in 2004. The University has paid special attention to its library by providing it with an adequate budget to enrich its collections of books, periodicals and electronic materials in all knowledge fields and by adopting the modern technology and the use of information technology.
The strategic plan of the ASU Library for 2020 – 2025 includes the vision of becoming distinguished in terms of resources and services and of being the main source of cultural and scientific knowledge and thoughts at the national and regional levels.
The Library of Applied Science University offers its services to the university community including the students, the faculty members and the administrative staff, in addition to the researchers from outside the university and from other Universities in Bahrain.
The Library also has publication exchange and philanthropic relations with many universities and different academic, cultural and scientific institutions.
The library has used computers in all its services and activities. In addition, it has purchased and operated a new library system called Future Library System that has been installed since 2010. The library offers the service of databases and online search on its portal lib.asu.edu.bh that also contains all the provided services in Arabic and English. The home page includes all the information about the library.
The Library also provides 10 private research rooms for the community of the university.
The library collection includes more than 32000 books and 38 English and Arabic paper journals that cover all fields of knowledge. Moreover, the library has an annual subscription to e-books and has the access to databases including electronic journals …in full text. The Library subscriptions include the following databases:
- ProQuest: Architectural Periodicals which offer a comprehensive listing of journal articles published worldwide.
- Ebook: Includes books of all scientific and humanities subjects.
- ARADO: Publications of the Arab Administration Development.
- EMERALD: Includes a wide collection of journals, books and case studies.
- EBSCO: Includes a collection of books, journals and research databases.
- ACM: One of the most important digital libraries in information technology and computer science.
- The Learn Book: Includes books and references in all fields.
- Dar AlMandumah: It contains around 60000 PhD and master’s thesis in all academic disciplines, especially social sciences.
- Science Direct (Scopus): Scopus uniquely combines a comprehensive, expertly curated abstract and citation database with enriched data and linked scholarly literature across a wide variety of disciplines.
- Material ConneXion: World-class materials, library and consultancy and a resource for furniture and architectural design.
- LexisNexis: Provides unparalleled legal and business information with analytics and technology.
- TurnItIn: A software used for plagiarism check of students’ research and theses.
Library of Applied Science University offers many services such as photocopying, printing and circulation service. There are many seats available for studying and it opens from Sunday to Thursday from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm and on Saturday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Dr. Ammar Jalamneh
Director of Library and Information Services, Assistant Professor, FHEA at College of Art and Science
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