RCIFS Council
The Research Centre Board Supervising and performing follow-up activities for research centres; assessing their performance; and coordinating with local and international research establishments and centres.
A Research Centre Board shall consist of a director (chairman), in addition to the following number of academic staff and external members who are well-known for their research or administrative contributions, based upon a nomination of the Dean of Research and Graduate Studies and a decision from the University President.
Meryem Masmoudi
Director of Research Centre for Interdisciplinary and Futuristic Studies and Bachelor Program Coordinator in Department of Business Administration and Academic Staff in Department of Business Administration
Murad Abdalah Bara Aljanabi
Academic Staff in Department of Public Law
Rashed Ahmed Rashed Ismaeel Alrasheed
Master Program Coordinator in Department of Political Science and Academic Staff in Department of Political Science
Hamdy Mahmoud Hamdy Mohamed
Bachelor Program Coordinator in Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering and Acting Head of Internship Unit and Academic Staff in Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering
Udai Ali Saleh Al-Juboori
Vice Dean of Arts and Science College and Head of Quality Assurance and Accreditation Unit and Academic Staff in Department of Design & Arts